National Preparedness Month | Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad

National Preparedness Month

Welcome to National Preparedness Month! Sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the National Preparedness Month was created to spread awareness of natural disasters, how to plan for them, and how to survive them.

During the month of September, the Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad will post information gathered from www.ready.gov/september and other such sites and present it to you in a way that makes it easy to comprehend. We’ll be covering general emergency preparedness, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and fires.

Make a Plan for Yourself, Family and Friends
Plan to Help Your Neighbor and Community
  • Learn skills you need to help yourself and others until help can arrive.
  • Take Until Help Arrives training.
  • Check on your neighbors.
  • Talk with your Power Company about utility safety.
  • On National Prepareathon Day, Friday, September, 15, hold an event.
Practice and Build Out Your Plans
  • Complete an Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK)
  • Maintain emergency savings for use in case of an emergency
  • Participate in an emergency drill
  • Know how to access community resources (e.g., shelters, food banks)
Get Involved! Be a Part of Something Larger

Support The Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad.

Every dollar counts.

You can be the difference that allows us to have the life-saving equipment and supplies we need to answer every cry for help.


Honor someone you know.

Did you know that you can honor someone when you give us a donation?



Learn CPR. Absolutely free.

Did you know that 70% of all sudden cardiac arrests take place in the home? Now you know. Come learn what to do.


Join us. We need you.

Help us help others. And see what a difference it makes in your own life. Start the process by filling out the online application.



You like us. You really like us.

Share how a VBVRS crew rescued you! Tell us your story and we’ll tell you ours, keeping you up to date with all that our crews are doing.



 Read the latest squad news in our newsletter and stay in the know.