Volunteer | Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad


We need you.

The demands on our volunteers have grown over the years and the need for additional members has grown along with it. The Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad responds to about 15,000 calls each year; that means about one-third of the calls run in Virginia Beach are handled by our squad.

We have two types of members: operational and support. Operational members, from EMT to paramedic, commit to the same training and certifications as professionals, and agree to serve a minimum of 40 hours a month, with 36 of those hours on duty in an ambulance. Training is offered through the city for free, but members are then expected to run with us for a minimum of one year.

Support members commit to serving 12 hours a month in different capacities, including office, facility, fund drive, and special event work.

New members are the lifeblood of our organization.

  • Our mentoring program supports and guides new members as they work their way up the ladder of success.
  • Members are provided uniforms, jackets and other items.
  • Business meetings are the second Monday of most months, and dinner is provided to all members in attendance.
  • We support the families of members through social functions such as barbecues, children’s parties, and family picnics.

Join us today.

If you are at least 18 years old and interested in joining the Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad, it’s so easy to join! Just complete the streamlined Online Application, and you should hear back within two working days!

Under 18? Join the Junior Rescue Squad of Virginia Beach.

You can start early by joining the Junior Rescue Squad of Virginia Beach, the next generation of rescue squad volunteers. Ages 13 (or completed eighth grade) to 18 are invited to join and be introduced to the fascinating world of emergency medicine. Members will learn many of the skills that we use every day on the ambulance.

Visit the Facebook page for more details!

Want to be an observer?

If you want to experience what it’s like to be part of our duty crew, you can sign up as an observer.

Support The Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad.

Every dollar counts.

You can be the difference that allows us to have the life-saving equipment and supplies we need to answer every cry for help.


Honor someone you know.

Did you know that you can honor someone when you give us a donation?



Learn CPR. Absolutely free.

Did you know that 70% of all sudden cardiac arrests take place in the home? Now you know. Come learn what to do.


Join us. We need you.

Help us help others. And see what a difference it makes in your own life. Start the process by filling out the online application.



You like us. You really like us.

Share how a VBVRS crew rescued you! Tell us your story and we’ll tell you ours, keeping you up to date with all that our crews are doing.



 Read the latest squad news in our newsletter and stay in the know.