Our Dedicated Members | Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad

Our Dedicated Members

We simply couldn't do what we do without the generous commitment of our dedicated members.

To serve almost half a million residents of Virginia Beach and almost three million visitors with professional-quality, pre-hospital emergency care for free, we need the complete dedication and hard work of all our members.

VBVRS operational members, from EMT to paramedic, commit to the same training and certifications as professionals. They agree to serve 48 hours a month, usually broken up in four 12-hour duties.

VBVRS support members commit to serving 12 hours a month in different capacities, including office, facility, fund drive, and special event work.

While you’re at it, check out our Life Members, Past Commanders and Honorary Members.

If you’re at least 18 years old and interested in joining us, the proud men and women of the Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad, click here.

Executive Board

Richard Doub

Richard Doub


Andrew Ashby

Andrew Ashby

Captain of Operations

Jenni McFarland

Jenni McFarland

Captain of Administration

Glenn Ahava

Glenn Ahava


Stella Salyer

Stella Salyer

Member at Large

Bob Corra

Bob Corra

Member at Large

Walt Yancy


Judy Haynes

Judy Haynes

Member at Large

Tom Harp

Tom Harp

Advidory Chair

Chief Officers

Pete Seidler, Parliamentarian
Alan Waters, Safety Officer
TBD, Rescue Council Representatives
Travis Smith,  IT Manager

Administrative Officers

TBD, Deputy of Administration
Lori Crocker, Records Coordinator
James DeMersseman, Recruitment & Retention Coordinator
Brian Abeyta, Community CPR Coordinator

Addison Blackwell, Newsletter Editor
Charity Klicka, Social Media & Branding Coordinator
Dave Mathews, Facilities Officer
TBD, Social Event Coordinator

Jim Obal, Honor Guard
Ronnie Yancey, Chaplain
Emily Mills, Support Member Coordinator
Rebecca Wood, Uniforms Coordinator

Operational Officers

William Miller, Deputy of Operations
David Ham, Equipment Lt.
Matt Vest, Training Lt.

Relena Turner, Supply Lt.
TBD, Special Events Lt.

Alan Walters, Logistics Lt.
Andrew Rosenblum, Scheduling Lt.

Treasurer Officers

TBD, Grants Coordinator
Stephanie McKinney , Fund Drive Coordinator
Bob Samuel,  Audit Committee

Secretary Officers

Doris Foster, Awards Coordinator
Peter Holland, Historian
TBD, Longevity Coordinator

Current Advisors

Tom Harp, Chairman
John Richardson, Legal Advisor

Cliff Cutchins, Member-at-Large
Rick Schoew, Vice Chairman

Christopher Jacobs, Member-at-Large

Advisor Emeritus

Lannie “Bunny” Woolford
Dr. N. Turner Gray

Dr. Warren Pechan
Jim Obal

Current Support Members and Volunteers

Brian Abeyta
Glenn Ahava
Laurent Andre
Addison Blackwell
Rosser Bobbitt
Donald Bresnahan
Liamarie Buccellato
Shane Bullock
Mary Casper
Anastarshia Colbert
Ann Crenshaw
Tori Dupert
Paul Feakins
Ray Ford, Sr.
Doris Foster
Troy Gaudino

Bill Graves
Melinda Griggs
Thomas Harp, Jr.
Bobby Hill
Gary Hoffman, Past Chief
Linda Hoffman
Peter Holland
Joan Jaser
Sturgis Kidder
Janet Levin
Rich Maguire
William Marcez
Dave Mathews
Lee McCardell
Christine McDermott
Emily Mills
Nena Nerino

Melanie Ostrum
Blair Whitley Ray
Shanna Rone
Brad Sauer
Pete Seidler
Travis Smith, Past Chief
Suzanne Sofield
Marge Standing
Diane Van Campen
Skye Westmoreland
Ira Whitehurst
Rebecca Wood
Ronnie Yancey
Walt Yancey

Current Operational Members

Andrew Ashby
Erol Aydar
Ivan Babkov
Steven Bobbitt
Michaela Bonner
Abreionah Brown
Daniel Buettner
Kathleen Cashdollar
Gabriel Chester
Matt Chiaradia, Past Chief
Frank Cholewicki
Bob Corra
James Cromwell
Tierney Day
Earl James DeMersseman
Veronika Domnissey
Erika Dopson
Richard Doub
John Doub, Past Chief
Christine Ehrenzeller
Elizabeth Firestone
Megan Flannery
Gabe Garcia-Borrero
Caroline Gilman
Ria Gowanda
Thomas Gross
Kelly Ham
Adam Harris
Judy Haynes
Kayli Hence
Colton Higley
Sarah Ho
Abby Hoobler
Kelsey Hottle
Emily Huffman
Caitlin Jefferson
Lisa Kanopka
Lily Kauffman

Dave Klinetop
Jacob Knapp
Jordan Laser
Helena Lavin
Miranda Lentz
Jillian Levin
Kevin Lyles
Ryan Mancoll
Bryan Marti
Ellen McBride, Past Chief
Jenni McFarland
Stephanie McKinney
William Miller
Frank Minkewicz
Mike Mui
Bruce Mullin
David Mundy
John Neumayer, Past Chief
Emily Old
Evan Old
Trinity Penny
Paul Pflueger
Tony Pirrone
Lorenzo Purificacion
Cutter Romano
Andrew Rosenblum
Evan Ruddock
Nicholas Ruszak
Stella Salyer
Bob Samuel
Sherry Shults
Leslie Smith
Michael Cameron Smith
Sydney Strawbridge
James Strickland
Veeda Tabibi


Noah Tucker
Roy Tydings
Daniel Unger
Valerie Vagts
Daniel Van Orman
Matthew Vest, Past Chief
Jonathan Viayra
Venesa Walker
Alan Walters
Mark Westmoreland
Kelsey Whitus
Emily Widgeon
Desmond Williams
Alex Witte

Support The Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad.

Every dollar counts.

You can be the difference that allows us to have the life-saving equipment and supplies we need to answer every cry for help.


Honor someone you know.

Did you know that you can honor someone when you give us a donation?



Learn CPR. Absolutely free.

Did you know that 70% of all sudden cardiac arrests take place in the home? Now you know. Come learn what to do.


Join us. We need you.

Help us help others. And see what a difference it makes in your own life. Start the process by filling out the online application.



You like us. You really like us.

Share how a VBVRS crew rescued you! Tell us your story and we’ll tell you ours, keeping you up to date with all that our crews are doing.



 Read the latest squad news in our newsletter and stay in the know.